Joel Parmer
Activity overview
Latest activity by Joel Parmer-
Joel Parmer created an article, Lenovo Docking Station - How to properly connect laptop
Using a docking station with a laptop provides the user with the ability to connect additional monitors, keyboards, mice and other peripherals. Ensuring that the laptop is connected properly to t...
Joel Parmer created an article, Docking Station - How to wake a stubborn monitor from sleep
If you find that the monitor connected to your docking station does not turn on when waking the laptop from sleep, you may need to manually wake it. To wake the stubborn monitor, ask them to clic...
Joel Parmer created an article, Printer - How to uninstall a printer
At times, users may find their printer is not operating properly or would like to uninstall/remove them to clean up their list of printers. Using the steps below, you can uninstall/remove the pri...
Joel Parmer created an article, Adobe - Install Premiere Pro
Adobe Premiere Pro is used to create, view and edit video clips. If you are licensed for the Adobe products with CCPS, you may follow the steps below to install Adobe Premiere Pro. Launch the ...
Joel Parmer created an article, Adobe - Install Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is used to create, view and edit images. If you are licensed for the Adobe products with CCPS, you may follow the steps below to install Adobe Photoshop. Launch the Adobe Creat...
Joel Parmer created an article, Adobe - Install Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat is used to create, view and edit PDF documents. If you are licensed for the Adobe products with CCPS, you may follow the steps below to install Adobe Acrobat. Launch the Adobe Cr...
Joel Parmer created an article, Microsoft Teams - Archive a team
Archive a team when it’s no longer active, but you want to keep it around for reference or to reactivate in the future. The conversations and files in the team become read-only once you archive it....
Joel Parmer created an article, Microsoft OneNote - Setting up for use
When using Microsoft OneNote for the first time on a new or reimaged computer, you will need to open each notebook that you want to have ready access to. Opening notebooks ahead of time starts th...
Joel Parmer created an article, Windows - How to extend your display to multiple monitors
Attaching additional monitors to your computer setup can help expand the desktop real estate available and allows you to spread your work out. Whether you are attaching your laptop to a docking s...
Joel Parmer created an article, Microsoft Edge - Sync your profile
When you sign in to sync to Microsoft Edge, you can easily browse the web from any of your devices, keep your favorites organized, and always pick up right where you left off. This process also p...