Internet connectivity is obviously critical during this time of online learning. The intent of this document is to provide background information to parents and students regarding what CCPS has done and what options are available to families to help them get connected.
Comcast Internet
Comcast is the main high-speed internet provider that tens of thousands of residents in Calvert County rely on. Those with internet connectivity problems who are Xfinity Internet customers should contact Comcast. Customers who are paying for the service need to be provided with that service in a reliable fashion. Some larger homes where students use the Wi-Fi coming from the router may want to investigate purchasing Wi-Fi boosters or extenders. Comcast has their own booster pack that they claim integrates seamlessly with their service. Information for them can be found here:
There are many other extender/booster systems on the market that can also be purchased.
All guardians of students attending Calvert County Public Schools were surveyed via a SchoolMessenger email, providing them with an opportunity to indicate they do not have the internet or are not able to afford it. For those who completed the survey and indicated that internet connectivity was an issue, CCPS conducted three mobile hotspot distributions: one at Mill Creek Middle School, one at Calvert High School, and one at Northern High School. The Department of Information Technology (DIT) has also reached out again to guardians who have three or more CCPS students living in their household and will provide a second hotspot. If you do not hear from DIT or if you have a newly enrolled student who qualifies for a hotspot, please contact Adam Will and Matt Poteet at and/or Please remember that hotspots are reserved for those who are not able to receive high speed internet from Comcast and/or those who are unable to afford it. Please visit this page to see if you are eligible to receive Xfinity internet from Comcast by clicking on one the “Check Availability” links:
Other Instructional Alternatives
If students do not have reliable internet in their home and the internet café is not a viable option, parents must make arrangements to take their children to an alternate location that has internet access. While onsite, students will need to access/download course materials and submit completed assignments in Schoology. If this situation applies to your family, please inform your child’s teachers and school-based administrator.
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