Google Chrome - How to export your Favorites/Bookmarks

All browsers allow you to export and import favorites/bookmarks from other browsers. Usually, it is an easy task using a simple menu system and the browser will prompt you to move them over from another installed browser.

However, there might be times when need to manually move them to a different computer or just back up a copy and save it for use at another time.  Following the steps below will assist you with manually exporting your favorites/bookmarks on Google Chrome.

  1. Open Google Chrome and click the ellipsis (three dots) in the window's upper right corner.

  2. Click Bookmarks and then click Bookmark manager

  3. Click the ellipsis (three dots) in the window's upper right corner

  4. Click Export bookmarks

  5. File Explorer will open up so you can find a convenient location to store them.  By default, it will be labeled “bookmarks_M_D_YY.html” but you can rename the file to something else that works for your filing system.

If you have any questions or are unable to locate this feature, please submit a ticket with the help desk team so they can reach out with assistance.

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